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Car insurance coverage options

With simple definitions for complicated insurance terms, State Farm® is here to help you determine the right type of car insurance coverage.

What types of auto insurance coverage are right for you?

Insurance coverages come with different limits and, in some cases, deductibles. These coverages also offer different levels of financial protection.

Collision coverage

Collision coverage helps pay to repair or replace your vehicle if it overturns or collides with another vehicle or object.

Comprehensive coverage

Comprehensive coverage helps pay to repair or replace your vehicle if it's damaged by something other than a collision, including theft, fire, vandalism, or hitting an animal.

Liability coverage

Liability coverage pays another party's medical expenses, vehicle repairs, and property damage if you were responsible for the accident.

Uninsured & underinsured motor vehicle coverage

If you're injured in an accident caused by someone who doesn't have enough liability insurance or any at all, uninsured & underinsured motorist coverage helps pay for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages. This coverage may also help pay for your property damage when another (at-fault) driver hits you and doesn’t have enough insurance, or doesn’t have insurance at all.

Medical payments coverage

Medical payments coverage helps pay medical and funeral expenses if an insured person is injured or killed in an accident.

Rideshare driver coverage

If you drive for rideshare companies like Uber or Lyft, we offer competitively-priced rideshare insurance for drivers and passengers for State Farm Auto insurance customers.

Emergency road service coverage

Emergency road service coverage can help you get moving again — fast — whether it’s a tow or a roadside repair like a flat tire.

Car rental reimbursement and travel expenses coverage

Rental car reimbursement coverage helps pay the cost of renting a replacement vehicle while your car is in the shop. Travel expense coverage helps pays for meals, lodging, and transportation if you're in an accident more than 50 miles from home.

Frequently asked questions about auto coverage

While “full coverage” isn’t defined, it can mean having a package of coverage that provides you with the protection that meets your needs. It can mean you have both liability and physical damage coverage, like comprehensive and collision coverage. Keep in mind there are optional coverages like rental and emergency roadside service that you also may wish to consider.

Collision insurance covers the repair or replacement of your vehicle if it overturns or collides with another vehicle or object. It requires a deductible.

Comprehensive insurance covers a vehicle that’s stolen or damaged by such things as fire, windstorm, hail, flood, theft, vandalism, falling objects, and/or hitting an animal. damage to another’s property or medical bills. It requires the cost of a policy addition. It may require a deductible.

Coverage options, deductibles, and discounts may affect your policy cost, along with such things as your driving history, credit score (where permitted by law), and other third-party reports.

Discover what happens if someone else drives your car and gets into an accident.

Our additional rideshare driver coverage simply extends the coverage that you already have on your personal State Farm auto policy. It also provides protection on top of the coverage that may be maintained on your behalf by the Transportation Network Company (TNC).

You’ll receive the protection offered from your personal auto policy, including the limits and deductibles. You’ll get the same protection levels extended while you are on the app.

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Simple Insights®

Looking for help protecting your vehicle? You’ve come to the right place. Articles from Simple Insights draw on over 100 years of State Farm knowledge.

Please remember that the preceding descriptions contain only a general description of available coverages and are not a statement of contract. All coverages are subject to all policy provisions and applicable endorsements. Coverage options may vary by state. To learn more about auto insurance coverage in your state, contact your State Farm agent.

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
State Farm Indemnity Company
Bloomington, IL

State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas
Richardson, TX